Guide To Early Poptropica

Early Poptropica was actually the very first island to come forth in Poptropica. Within it, the islands original occupants ask you to help them locate 3 poached objects: a pig, a bucket, and a signal flag.

First Stop: Main Street

As soon as you hop down from your blimp, you will be on Main Street. You can walk inside the Pop Art Museum to browse several different paintings and talk with some famous artists. Meet other players inside the two multi-player rooms: the Soda Pop Shop and the Arcade.

If you are itching to begin your explorations, you can first try jumping up the Water Tower. The Signal Flag that you need to retrieve for the Early Poptropicans is way up at the top but it’s not accessible yet. Look down on the street and you ‘ll see a manhole that is open. Before you go down into that dark hole, you’re going to need something to help navigate down there. It’s spooky and dark inside that hole and some light will really help.

Old Poptropica

Run to the right until you get to the end of the street and then proceed to the Early Poptorpica region. The characters here resemble pilgrims, and the buildings resemble traditional cabins. After you talk with each of the inhabitants, you ‘ll discover that three things have been stolen: a pig, a flag and a bucket for their well.

Now it’s time to go get the Glow Stick. The Glow Stick is in the very upper-left corner of this room. Walk into the Glow Stick to add it to your items.

Back to Main Street

Now that you have the Glow Stick, it’s time to explore that manhole. Go ahead and enter the manhle and then make your way to the very bottom. You don’t really need to avoid the spiders here. Keep falling all the way to the very bottom. You ‘ll land just fine. Then hop over the green spider and transfer straight away to get the prized porker. Touch the pig to include it to your inventory. You might be tempted to leave the manhole now, but there’s more to be found down there. Get past the green spider again and enter the tunnel on your left.

Because you have the glow stick, you ‘ll be able to find your way through the dark passages. When you see a rope, climb up. Keep climbing until you spot the Golden Egg. There are hints written on the walls to tell you if you’re going in the right direction. When you find the Golden Egg, touch it to add it to your items.

Once you get the Golden Egg, make your way to the top left and exit. You ‘ll arrive in the Poptropica Towers area.

Check Out Poptropica Towers

So now you have the Pig, but you still need the Bucket and the Flag. Since you are at Poptropica Towers, you should start exploring the city street lined with tall buildings. Leap over to the ledge of the first building you see and head for the roof! Travel from rooftop to rooftop, bouncing off clotheslines to help you. When you reach the blue building, climb to the very top, which looks like a rooftop restaurant. Then climb up the vine.

Land of the Purple Giant

You ‘ll soon find yourself way up in the clouds above Poptropica. Go right until you see a huge pair of giant’s feet. Click on the feet to talk to the giant. He will take your Golden Egg as payment to enter his vegetable garden. You’ll find the bucket among the enormous veggies.

Continuing in the Clouds

Continue moving right until you find the Aircraft Graveyard. You can’t use the aeroplanes here, but if you search fastidiously, you will discover a Jet Pack. This is just what you need to get to high places– like the top of the Water Tower, where the Signal Flag is waiting for you.

Return to Main Street as soon as possible. Then equip the Jet Pack to get up to the top of the Water Tower. In order to fly, move your cursor until you see a green up-arrow. Click and hold to move up. Then move left or right. When you reach the top of the tower, click on the Flag to place it in your backpack.

Completing the Quest

Now you’ve got the Pig, the Bucket, and the Flag. Return to Early Poptropica. (You can fly if you want to, but you’ll have to walk between Main Street and Early Poptropica.)

Talk to each one of the three pilgrims who were missing items. Once you do, the things are taken from your Inventory and returned to their former owners. After you return the Signal Flag, a boat will reach the pier. Consult the person on the vessel, and he will thank you with an Early Poptropica Medallion. Woo-hoo!

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